Category Archives: General Info

General information about Cashiers Chiropractic and Acupuncture, located in Cashiers, NC near Highlands and Sapphire.

Cholesterol often wrong target in heart disease risk

cholesterol and heart disease

Everyone has heard that high cholesterol is bad for heart health. But as it turns out, the association between cholesterol and cardiovascular disease has been somewhat misrepresented. Doctors are starting to accept that cholesterol levels do not necessarily predict risk for heart disease as much as we thought. Consider the following: Continue reading

Common Sense Health: What Do Cigarettes, Sugar and Childhood Vaccines Have in Common?

By Maureen McDonnell, RN

Child_receiving_rabies_innoculationWhat cigarettes, sugar and vaccines have in common is the fact that behind each one stands a well-funded, cleverly constructed PR campaign designed to convince the public that these products are safe and questioning their use is completely unnecessary. Continue reading

Common Sense Health: Facts, Not Fear Should Guide Our Decisions about the HPV Vaccine

By Maureen McDonnell, RN

HPVVaccineWith a new school year starting, parents are under pressure to get their children vaccinated against HPV and other infections. Additionally, the CDC is about to launch a new PR campaign aimed at convincing the public that the HPV vaccine is necessary, should be given to young children and will protect against cancer. But facts, not fear must guide our decisions. Continue reading