Tag Archives: memory loss

Loss of memory does not have to be part of aging

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Do you always lose your keys, forget where the car is parked, or find words stick on the tip of your tongue? We associate these behaviors with aging, but losing your memory and brain function isn’t necessarily “normal” aging. Instead, it’s a sign of accelerated brain degeneration, or a brain that is atrophying too fast.

Can’t find the car?

The brain has different regions, and each region is in charge of certain functions, including balance, mood, memory, and problem solving. When a part of the brain starts to lose function, it shows up as symptoms related to those areas, such as poor coordination, depression, a worsening ability to do math, memory loss, or poor balance.

The temporal lobes are two areas of the brain located at either side of your head, above the ears. They are in charge of your hearing, memory, speech, emotional responses and sense of smell.

Within each of the temporal lobes is a region called the hippocampus, related to sense of direction, learning and memory, spatial orientation, and the sleep-wake cycle. Degeneration of the hippocampus can lead to issues in any or these areas, such as poor memory (“Where’s my car?”), being bad with directions, insomnia, and, eventually, Alzheimer’s.

What causes brain degeneration?

The brain is comprised of cells called neurons, which communicate with each other to manage all the body’s processes. When these cells die, it’s called neurodegeneration. Once neurons die, there’s no getting them back. However, the brain can compensate by forming new branches between existing neurons to aid in communication. That’s called neuroplasticity.

As we age, natural degeneration of neurons is normal. We can maintain good brain function by slowing neuron death and through good neuroplasticity, that is, making sure we’re always growing connections between neurons and protecting existing connections. In fact, how well your brain ages can be looked at as the balance between neurodegeneration and neuroplasticity.

When neurodegeneration outpaces neuroplasticity you lose brain function

Unfortunately, various factors can speed up brain degeneration so that it outpaces neuroplasticity, causing loss of cognition, memory, and balance, and increasing the risk of dementia. These factors include brain injury, chronic inflammation, poor circulation, insufficient stimulation (stimulation includes mental, physical, and social activity), and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

You can’t cure bring back or regrow dead neurons, which is why it’s so important to preserve brain health before it’s too late. Thankfully, it is possible to slow down the neurodegenerative process and improve brain function by protecting brain health and supporting plasticity between existing neurons. The earlier you catch brain degeneration, the more likely you are to make a difference.

Having a hard time with directions and losing your keys now can progress to dementia years later if you let accelerated brain degeneration progress unchecked.

Things to ask yourself about memory loss

  • Is my short-term memory worsening?
  • Has my sense of direction gotten worse?
  • Do I regularly forget why I walk into rooms, where I put things like my car keys, or where I parked my car?
  • Do I have tinnitus, that chronic ringing in the ears? (Although this can be caused by other things.)
  • Is it difficult to hear with background noise?
  • Do I have an irregular sleep-wake cycle with alertness at night and grogginess in the morning?
  • Do I have bouts of fatigue throughout the day?

Any one of these things can happen on occasion, but if they’re happening on a regular basis, it’s wise to investigate your brain health and how to preserve and enhance it. These can include measures to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve gut health (brain health is profoundly affected by gut health).

Also, exercise your brain! Like muscles, the brain will atrophy without use. Best brain exercise for you? Whatever you find difficult. If you’re not good at math, do math puzzles. If you fail at art, take a painting or sculpting class. Poor balance? Do balance exercises.

Brain exercises, lifestyle habits, and dietary measures that encourage healthy brain function, will support neuroplasticity and help you maintain a functional brain into your old age.

Diet and lifestyle changes reverse memory loss and Alzheimer’s

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Alzheimer’s and memory loss can seem like a sort of death sentence that strikes out of the blue and has no cure. Although genetics play a role, so does your diet and lifestyle, which means you can do something about Alzheimer’s and memory loss before the damage is too great.

In the first study of its kind, nine out of 10 patients reversed their memory loss and showed considerable long-term improvement following a program that included dietary changes, exercise, supplementation, sleep improvements, and brain stimulation. Some were able to return to jobs they had to quit due to declining memory. Only the patient with late-stage Alzheimer’s did not improve. It’s the first study to suggest that memory loss can be reversed and the improvement sustained.

The research was inspired by studies that looked at the effect of diet and lifestyle changes on other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and HIV.

In the study, subjects reversed their memory loss through approaches that included:

  • Eliminating all simple carbohydrates, which led to weight loss
  • Eliminating gluten and processed foods
  • Increasing consumption of produce and non-farmed fish
  • Yoga and other stress-reducing activities
  • Increasing sleep from 4-5 hours to 7-8
  • Taking methyl B12, vitamin D3, fish oil, CoQ10, curcumin, resveratrol, ashwagandha, and coconut oil
  • A minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 4-6 times a week
  • Cut out snacking
  • Hormone therapy when necessary

The biggest obstacle in the program was the study subjects’ complaints about making so many changes. However, all but one experienced notable improvement without the side effects that drugs bring.

Factors that affect memory

It’s important to note the reduced consumption of carbohydrates in the study –- some researchers have called Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes due to the deleterious effects of excess sugar and carbohydrates on the brain.

Exercise is also a fairly potent magic bullet when it comes to brain health and regular exercise has been shown to positively affect memory and help reverse memory loss.

Sufficient sleep is necessary to protect a healthy memory. The brain waves produced during sleep help us store memories. These brain waves transfer memories from the hippocampus, an area of short term memory, to the prefrontal cortex, where long term memories are stored. Lack of sleep and poor quality sleep disrupts this process and leads to memory loss.

Gluten and other foods to which you may have an immune reaction can cause memory loss by inflaming the brain. Although most people associate a gluten intolerance with digestive symptoms, the truth is gluten most often affects neurological tissue. Sometimes simply going gluten free can significantly improve brain function.

Ask my office for more ways you can support your memory, and also for which supplements can help support your brain health.