Cardio Pulse Wave Technology

Cashiers Chiropractic Health Coaching[intro]

Cardio Pulse Wave Technology


Up until now, the only non-invasive (and inexpensive) way to monitor your cardiovascular health has been to monitor your blood pressure on the arm.  Unfortunately, this is not a very effective way to predict your cardiovascular risk.  Much of the time, atherosclerosis (also known as hardening of the arteries) goes undetected until the patient suffers an event…often catastrophic…such as stroke or heart attack.  Often, it is only after those events occur that more invasive procedures (such as angiograms, which carry their own risks) are done to get more information regarding the extent and location of the blockage in blood flow.

We are very excited to offer a new screening procedure called  This is extremely important, because while blood pressure at the arm is not a very good predictor of cardiovascular risk, the blood pressure at the heart (known as CASP or Central Aortic Systolic Pressure) is an excellent predictor of the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Watch this short video by Dr Ting

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