Health Coaching
The patient-centered Health Coach system is for individuals who want to feel better, take charge of their health, and maintain balance in their lives. Individuals working with a Health Coach examine all the factors that affect their health; genetics, nutrition, medicine, exercise, biomechanics, rest and relaxation, thoughts and emotions; and then make lasting changes in the areas under their control.
Specialized Health Appraisal, Nutritional and Metabolic Screening Questionnaires
Our Centers have pioneered the development and clinical implementation of a wide variety of questionnaires, surveys and written assessment procedures which allow us to develop a more comprehensive understanding of your condition and your actual needs. Just as importantly, this written take-home format allows you to provide us with the necessary information at your leisure, with sufficient thought and without the time and financial concerns that often exist in clinical settings. Your thoughtful completion of our questionnaires, when and if requested, will increase the accuracy of our data collection and save the doctor time. This translates into both improved care and financial savings for you.